This assignment requires you to analyse the provided case study of an organisation experiencing
strategic change and to demonstrate an understanding of their context and recommendations for
how to implement any required change.
You will need to supplement the information provided in the brief by undertaking further research
into the context in which the organisation operates. This includes:
• a broad environmental assessment;
• an appreciation of Palliative and End-of-life care in the UK;
• consideration of the desired future state to which the sector and organisation aspire.
Your wider reading may encompass popular press, grey literature and peer reviewed articles. You
may use any of these sources to illustrate your understanding and support your argument. You must provide a rigorous and well-presented argument with clear connections between context, analysis and recommendations.
The assignment word count is 2,000-2,500 words.
You are required to select one change management approach/ theory/ practice that you will use in
both parts of the assignment.
PART A (~1,250 words)
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the chosen change management approach/ theory/
You must demonstrate:
• a critical understanding of the background and context to the chosen theory;
• a critical understanding of the theory itself and the related practices.
PART B (~1,250 words)
Apply the chosen change management approach/ theory/ practice to the case study
You are putting yourself in the role of a consultant to the organisation with the intention of giving
the organisation advice and recommendations for future action based upon rigorous analysis and
clear evidence. The evidence will come from your understanding of the case. Your recommendations
will reflect good practice, based upon the chosen approach.
Part B is a change agent/ consultant report and will include other relevant content, which may
include charts, diagrams, tables and other outputs relevant to your chosen approach.
You must demonstrate:
• An appreciation of the business issues presented;
• An ability to extract relevant information from the case study;
• Ability to relate the case to an appropriate and relevant approach/ theory/ practice;
• Ability to analyse the information and draw appropriate conclusions;
• Ability to robustly support your recommendations with evidence.
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