This essay exam is designed for you to think across the ideas, issues, and concepts we have covered in the course to date. The questions are intended to be straightforward and your answers may draw on a variety of sources- readings, lecture, discussions, etc. It is best to focus primarily on arguments, examples, and materials from our common reading and activities, although a reference or two from outside our common material is acceptable if you feel it is absolutely necessary. References to specific passages and pages from our reading are highly valued to connect the understandings you express and the texts we have covered.
Be sure, 1) to answer all parts of the question, 2) to answer the questions directly (keep off-topic digressions to an absolute minimum), 3) to make sure your writing is clear, succinct, and grammatically correct, 4) most importantly, to make sure that your answers do not force me to assume anything about what you understand. Clarity is essential.
Format: Double spaced, 10-12 point font, 1-inch margins. Do not list the question and sub-question and then give short answers. This is an essay. So it should hang together as a composition that analyzes and gives explanations based on the questions asked, drawing from the readings, lecture, discussions, etc. Do not copy the questions verbatim in your essay. This will not count for space used. Your essay should be only your arguments supported using the class sources. Get right into your argument when the essay begins. Be sure to properly cite all sources.
Task: In approximately 3-5 typewritten pages, write an essay addressing one of the following exam prompts.
A key social problem discussed in this course has been class inequality and its influence on people’s everyday lives. Be sure to use examples from the readings and other course material. You should address the following questions in your answer: What is class inequality? What is poverty? What is the relationship between wealth and poverty as described in the book? How has class inequality and poverty in the U.S. changed over the last sixty years? What are some of the ways that social class standing and poverty influence people’s everyday lives and live outcomes? What is the housing problem in the U.S. on how does it relate to social class inequality? What are some of the social causes and consequences of evictions and housing inequality? What potential policy changes or social action could help does Desmond suggest to help address this social problem?
A key issue for sociologists is social inequality. Describe how gender, race, and social class represent existing social inequalities in society. Be sure to use examples from the readings and other course material. You should address the following questions in your answer: What is social inequality? How are gender, race, and social class sources of social inequality? What evidence is present in the readings for these inequalities? What does it mean that race, gender, and social class are intersectional? What are some examples from course material and readings that demonstrate this intersectionality? What other forms of social inequality (besides race, class, and gender) can you identify?
A key issue for sociologists is social change. Describe social change including the role it plays in society and how sociologists analyze it. Be sure to use examples from the readings and other course material. You should address the following questions in your answer: What is social change? What are some social actors that influence social change? What role do social actors such as social movements play in causing social change? How do the evolutionary and dialectical theories explain social change? What is globalization? What is the connection between globalization and postmodern society? What influence has globalization played in causing social change? Which theory of social change (evolutionary or dialectical) do you think best explains changes from globalization?
grading will not be based on length but rather on whether the report thoroughly addresses all the component parts.
I DO NEED SOURCES but it doesn’t have to be a specific number.
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