This final examination is a culmination of all you have read in this course, and

This final examination is a culmination of all you have read in this course, and will be
graded as such. This means that it must reflect your ability to synthesize course material
into a final product indicative of upper-level college work. Significant points will be
deducted for misspelled words, incomplete sentences, improper grammar, improper
punctuation, and lack of comprehensiveness. Additionally, your paper must strictly
conform to APA 7th rules for in text citations and references. Only include quotations
when necessary and the paper must be in your own words. I also strongly suggest to have
at least two others proofread your paper prior to submitting it to the dropbox.
Using the policy you chose in Assignment 2 which is “Analysis of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Lethal Force Policy” 
complete the following:
Provide a comprehensive analysis of the policy that includes three sections. 
1. What are the strengths of the policy? Utilize national standards as well as
specific State standards for the jurisdiction of the policy. Detail how the policy
meets or exceeds these standards.
2. What are the weaknesses of the policy? Utilize national standards as well as
specific State standards for the jurisdiction of the policy. Detail how the policy
falls short or does not meet standards.
3. Summarize the potential liability the department may encounter with the policy as
it is written. Detail specific suggestions as to how to improve the policy (reduce
I will attach my assighnment 2 paper to help.