This is a report 3000 word report on a scenario and condition of your choice , there are 5 different scenarios which are about Mr Nightingale and you are required to meet these learning outcomes :
A- Justify the need to practice safely and lawfully applying knowlegde to your field of Nursing ( Adult Nursing)
C- Examine your undertstanding of ethical principles underpinning nursing practice
D- Analyse professional challenges in healthcare and formulate solutions.
For the condition section, you need to pick 1 of the following 6 and write about your knowledge and pathophysiology (not anatomy) which need to cover the learning outcome B which is
B- Apply knowledge and pathophysiology to commonly encountered health conditions of the following, PICK ONE.
COPD – chronic bronchitis
COPD- Emphysema
Liver cirrhosis
Gall Bladder disease
Dementia ( any type of your choice, choose 1 to focus on).
How you lay out the report is completely up to you, but this needs to be level 5 standard and must have critical discussions.
I have attatched photos/powerpoint slides from the teaching which you can look at for guidance if you need help understanding what is expected for this report.
I have also attacthed the Grading criteria to see what needs to be included to get higher marks.
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