This is an argumentative essay about how corporate and special interest group lo

This is an argumentative essay about how corporate and special interest group lobbying has failed our foriegn policy. Please use the Iraq war as a case study for how special interest groups and lobbying has failed our foreign policy. 
Please include “A clean break: A new strategy for securing the realm” as one of the sourcesthat is proof for how our foreign policy was influenced by foreign interest groups. The author of this article (Richard Perle) wrote the document for Benjamin Netanyahu but ended up being in Bush’s cabinet and is one of the architechts of the Iraq war. 
Please investigate richard perle, david wormser and other individuals who pushed the iraq war because of their loyalty to israel or their loyalty to the military industrial complex. 
After explaining how this war was not in the interest of America but instead was in the interest of lobbyist groups like Ratheon. explain how detrimental this war was to Iraq along with how badly it affected America who spend trillions on the war.
APA style
Please include 7 sources in this research paper
7-9 pages of content plus annotated bibliography
Please acknowledge counterarguments as this is an argumentative paper.
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