This is an research essay, I’m going to compare Samuel becketts life with his masterpiece Endgame, I need to cite quotes from the play and it need to reflects his life, beso ally his life mirroring the play, I can’t repeat the same over and over and it has to ve specifics because my teacher is a English professor and he read it throughly you can use this link
His suffering in life needs to be reflected through the play and the similarities
You are going to research his life and make it comparable to the play
I was working in one actually but is not good so I need a new one
Start the introduction from general to specific, I need 3 paragraphs for the introduction
Length: 5-6pp. (Works Cited page is not counted as one of these)
What I am looking for is biographical or historical background
You must cite from 3-6 outside sources, listed on a Works Cited page at the end.
Be sure your body paragraphs are controlled by strong topic sentences near their beginnings and that each body paragraph contains at least TWO subtopic details.
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