This report is about an analysis of the economy with reference to some macroecon

This report is about an analysis of the economy with reference to some macroeconomic issue or some
economic policy. You are to choose a major macroeconomic policy issue facing a country, compare it
with another country where there is no such problem or where there has been a great policy response to
the issue. You will compare the two economies and prepare a report (using the example of success
economy) that can be used as a policy briefing paper by a senior decision-maker in either govt. or
business providing recommendations to the other economy.
1. Select 2 research papers choosing 2 different countries published in refereed
journals related to topics studied in MACROECONOMICS in this unit.
2. It is strongly recommended that your research papers should be based on two different countries
e.g. if you plan to do research on monetary policy, you may select an article based on Australia
and another one on China, U.S., U.K., Japan etc. To give your report a global perspective, you
will be making a comparative analysis of the economy being chosen to deal with the current issue
with some other economy. An example can be, monetary policy as a very effective tool in a
country like Australia and monetary policy not so effective as a tool in a country like zimbabwe.  In
this example, you are comparing a success story of an economy with an economy that has failed
and providing recommendations to the failing economy.  A great topic could also be the recent
global pandemic due to COVID-19 and how two different economies deal with the crisis using
macroeconomic policies. 
3. The report should have sections such as (1) short introduction (2) critical review for first
article (3) critical review for second article (4) a comparative analysis of both the articles and (5)
conclusion and recommendations based on the analysis followed by a reference section.
4. Also, attach a one page executive summary at the beginning of your report- this is optional. 
5. The approximate length of the report is around 2000 words.
6. Attach the scanned copy of the two main articles and attach it at the end of your report before
submitting it on Turnitin under the “Assessment tab” on BB. Refer to other report requirements
from Report 1 section in this UO. 
7. Do not use AI sources such as ChatGPT for writing this report.
Remember to use Chicago 17 as a form of reference; the reference needs to be from a peer-reviewed academic journal.