Click on each of the below sections to review the criminal justice process. This will assist you in developing your paper. Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 There area number of “true crime” shows that illustrate the criminal justice process, from the initial investigation through the trial and sentencing. A few examples of shows that report on actual criminal cases include: 20/20, Dateline, Cold Justice, Murder in the Heartland, and Deadly Women. For this assignment, you will be required to report on a criminal case from a true-crime show of your choice. It does not have to be from one of the examples above, as long as the show represents an actual case and not a ficticious drama. To complete this assignment, you may need to conduct more research than what was reported in that episode. Your paper must include the details of the crime, in addition to the court processes, sentencing, and any appeals. Your paper must include the following: 1. The name of the show, including the season and episode numbers. For example, “Dateline, S12 Ep9”. 2. Location (city and state) of the incident and trial. 3. Crime(s) committed. 4. Name of the defendant(s) and victim(s). 5. A thorough description of the issues and facts surrounding the crime, investigation, arrest, and court proceedings. 6. For trials, was it a jury or bench trial? 7. What was/were the original charge(s)? Is this different than the final charge(s)? 8. What punishment was the prosecutor seeking? 9. Was there a disposition or sentence given? If so, explain. 10. Did the offender serve their entire sentence or was he/she granted early release? 11. Was an appeal filed? If so, what was the outcome? 12. Were any civil lawsuits filed for additional damages? 13. Any additional information that you feel is necessary. To provide a thorough review of the court processes. Below are some suggestions to consider when writing your paper. 1. Describe at least one aspect of the proceeding that played out as you had expected it would, based on your prior readings and knowledge of the courts. 2. Describe at least one aspect of the proceedings that surprised you as a result of preconceived notions that you had. 3. Do television, movies, and the media accurately portray the courtroom setting and procedures based on what you observed? 4. Did the prosecuting and defense attorneys effectively argue their positions? Provide details of each and explain why you believe that they were effective or ineffective. 5. Describe the judge and his/her demeanor and actions during the case, if possible. 6. Any additional pertinent observations or personal reactions that you may have had.
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