Title: Exploring Themes and Connections in Multiple Literary Passages: A Comparative Analysis

Part I–Passage Identification and Short essay:
•Identify and discuss any five of eight included passages. If you want to identify and discuss more, I’ll grade each and total the highest five grades.
•Key word: Context! Connect each passage to work it comes from and to author’s concerns and preoccupations, or to other relevant historical or cultural moments. Short essay=4-5 well-developed sentences (or a bit more as required).
•Google as you see fit, but don’t place full reliance on search results. Correct identifications are based on where passage comes from within context of course reading. I am the final judge on this matter (although I’m generally fairly charitable).
•Make sure your short essays moves beyond basic summary or overly abstract discussion. Connect passage to themes of larger work and/or author’s larger preoccupations (and other key biographical/historical/cultural details) as appropriate within the space available to you (again, 4-5 well-developed sentences).
•The urge to cut and paste materials in from internet research should be minimal. Not only do these portions show up on my turnitin.com detector, but they often fail to include a proper context as required by this particular exercise. Use Google for research, not answers!
Part II–The Comparison Essay:
•Key words: Quotes and Discussion. Be sure to provide supporting evidence for your claims (i.e. quotes), and to explain (i.e. discuss) how that evidence supports your claim.
•Thesis: Short essay should still demonstrate near the beginning some clear controlling claim that is supported in paragraphs that follow.
•After introduction, subsequent paragraphs should allude to (or better, quote from) both works and essay should be developed in a true comparison/contrast structure.
•Good essays feature 3-4 paragraphs or more, as appropriate to the topic you’ve chosen.
•Conclusion should reiterate, wrap up, and perhaps “push” central premises of essay.

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