Title: Reflection and Goal Setting for APA Style Mastery

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Discussion Post:
Upon completion of the Academic Writer Tutorial: Basics of Seventh Edition APA Style modules, write a 2-part reflection (SMART Goal statement and action plan) of areas of strength and areas that will require further practice/assistance. The goals should be regarding your learning in the area of APA and academic writing.
Begin with creating 2 SMART Goals for yourself regarding APA formatting and the modules you just completed. What areas do you identify that may need further practice for you to become proficient? Now develop a SMART goal that speaks to this area that you have identified. Be certain to include a clearly defined goal.
Next, in 3-4 sentences, write an action plan of how you will obtain your goal that you identified in each SMART Goal. What steps, resources and feedback will you need to reach your goal? How will you know when your goal has been met?
Use the format below to develop your SMART Goals and reflection paragraphs.
Your SMART Goals must follow the SMART guidelines – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely
Peer Post is not required
this is the user and password for my courses. This assignment is under study skills in the smart goals section. there is a Academic Writer Tutorial: Basics of Seventh Edition APA Style training modules. this explains how the smart goals writing has to be done.

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