Topic 1: Should we dread aging?
Answer “yes” or “no” (no fence-sitting allowed!). Defend your response with material from the course. Be certain to use examples and research from many different topics in the course. It is your job to convince me of your point of view, using logical thinking and research evidence. It is possible to argue both sides of this issue but for this assignment, you must choose one side and wholeheartedly defend it with an organized and well-written response.
Paper General Instructions
In place of a final exam, a final paper will be prepared outside of class. You may choose from two paper topics. The paper will be worth 10% of your final grade. The Canvas submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 3rd, the day when our final exam would be scheduled. If your final exam paper is late, you will lose 15% per day. Papers will not be accepted later than 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7th.
Papers will be graded on organization, quality and accuracy of evidence, application of content from all sections of the course, logic and coherence of the arguments, and clarity of writing. Make sure that you provide broad coverage of the course material. Your paper may not exceed four double-spaced, typed pages with 12-point, Times New Roman font and 1” margins on all sides. Any paper content that exceeds four pages will not be read nor contribute to your grade. To help blind me to your identity during grading, do not put your name on your paper.
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