TOPIC: Should the Government Actively Participate and fund a Cure for Cancer •Th

TOPIC: Should the Government Actively Participate and fund a Cure for Cancer
•The answer is Yes the Government needs to keep funding 
• Must include these evidences/examples on why the government needs to keep funding cancer cure: Importance of Government Involvement, How this Impacts on Research, Financial Support to the Public, Potential impact on society, reducing cancer rates/improving treatment options
• 7 pages in length
• Times New Roman
• 12 Font
• APA format
• intro: thesis 
•body paragraphs 
• conclusion
• ***Must include a thesis/ argument
• Topic sentences for each paragraph
• Use transitions to make sure your paper has flow
-Paper appears to be in conformity as to what is required by the APA as to overall organization, structure, and research citations .
-Below are the links to all the sources:’s-fy25-budget-prioritizes-funding-cancer-research-and-prevention#:~:text=On%20clinical%20trials…,achieve%20the%20Moonshot%20goals%20continues.