Use JASP for this assignment.
Use Average Grade 8 Math Proficiency as the dependent variable
Use Enrollment, Average Grade 8 English Proficiency, and Rigorous Instruction Rating as independent variables
1) Run a multiple regression test. Address categorical variable dummy coding, test for interaction effects between Enrollment and Average Grade 8 English Proficiency by additionally including the interaction term in the analysis
2) Interpret R, Adjusted R squared, Sig in the ANOVA table, Sig(s) in the Coefficient tables
3) Is an interaction effect between Enrollment and Average Grade 8 English Proficiency detected? Explain.
4) Run an assumptions check (include all charts and tables in your writeup. APA format expected) and report the results of each of the following:
Independence: Check Durbin-Watson value to be between 1 and 3
Multicollinearity: Check VIF less than 10
Linearity: Check predicted vs residual plot for dot pattern scatter
Homogeneity: Check residual plot for consistent spread over all predicted values
Normality: Check residual histogram and QQ plot
Referencing your evidence, report which of the above assumptions are likely violated or are feasibly not violated.