Use the populations in the table below to draw your own graph of the world population and the population of Canada from 1750 to 2010. Compare the trends in the two graphs. Use the graph’sto predict the world population and the Canadian population in 100 years. Explain your predictions.
Research the topic using the Internet, library resources and primary surveys. Keep track of all relevant information for a Works Cited page
Decide on which statistical tools are applicable for analyzing your hypothesis. Use these tools as subheadings when writing the body of your written report. These subheadings, which contain the interpretation of the calculations, must refer to the appropriate appendix. The appendices contain the related calculations that were performed in Excel.
I would be surprised if the body of your written report has fewer than 3 or more than 6 typed pages. The written report should also include a title page, a table of contents, a References page (APA style) and Appendices containing the raw data and mathematical calculations.
Plan a 15-20 min Seminar on your topic to share the analysis you have carried out with the class. Remember to use some communications technology and visual aids such as Internet, PowerPoint, spreadsheets, etc.
Presenters are to respond to audience questions about their statistical analysis and will be critiqued by both their peers and teacher.
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