Use the three articles provided (and AT LEAST two others),
If you find an article on a topic that is of particular interest, look at the works cited page and find/read the best articles that the author is citing for more details on the topic.
As usual, use your own thoughts, reflections, connections, ideas, learning opportunities, questions, etc. to fashion your Expert Reading.
Use the three articles provided:
For the software engineering article:
Starting on page 400: Isabelle is best known for being the top investigator on her team. She spends the most time, over 30% on average, in the Analyzing knowledge worker action. She spends much time in the trenches of projects debugging and making sense of code. Isabelle recently changed from being one of the top experts on her team to being a novice in her new team. However, this has not impeded her success as she was able transition smoothly and adapt the same techniques of connecting with peer developers to ensure success on her new team. Interview participants who identified with this persona also spent a significant amount of time debugging code. S1 describes the process for debugging: It depends on what kind of task. For example, to fix bugs in theory you need to reproduce the problem and to just do a debug step-by-step, going into the very developed source code to figure it out. That ttakes a long, long time sometimes.
ESEM ’17: Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. November 2017, (p. 394–403) to an external site.
For the emoji article:
The Unicode Emoji SubcommitteeLinks to an external site. regularly reviews proposals for new emoji. The selection criteria … boil down to this: a) will the image work at the small size at which emoji are commonly used, b) does the emoji add to what can be said using emoji or can the idea be expressed using existing emoji, c) is there substantial evidence that a large number of people will likely use this new emoji. (Unicode, 2022) … Creating new emojis is predicated on a system of technical writing that lobbies for new emojis to the Unicode Consortium. Emojination, an activist collective working for cultural inclusivity, helps everyday people write proposals for inclusive and culturally sensitive emojis. Through a case study of Emojination, this article describes ways that Tactical Technical Communication can work toward cultural inclusivity within regulatory frameworks.
Gallagher, J. R., & Avgoustopoulos, R. E. (2024). Emojination Facilitates Inclusive Emoji Design Through Technical Writing: Fitting Tactical Technical Communication Inside Institutional Structures. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 54(1), 93-112. to an external site.
For the internship article:
In this article, we discuss the impact of this shift toward remote work on internship education, which is at the nexus of the workplace and higher education. In particular, we focus on technical and professional communication (TPC) internships as TPC generally involves portable writing tasks. To better understand how to support students participating in remote TPC internships, this article outlines some of the key areas that TPC instructors and administrators need to consider when setting up internships and supporting students in their roles.
Bay, J., Fillenwarth, G. M., & Masters-Wheeler, C. (2022). Remote TPC Internships: Infrastructures for Success. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 52(4), 386-410. to an external site.
Be sure to include AT LEAST two more articles. They may be listed in the reference page of one of these three articles. Ensure there is AT LEAST one visual element (preferably two), the essay is AT LEAST 5 full pages, and do not write at a graduate student level. Use the “Expert Reading #2” for reference on how to format the document and the skill level to use.
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