(make sure you have these in your discussion, you will not get full credit without specific examples), create a discussion that addresses issues related to food/food industry/food policy by connecting the film to concepts we have covered throughout the semester (use the textbook and review the different topics we’ve covered). Make sure to discuss at least 5 textbook key terms to connect to the film (don’t just list key terms, explain them too) . Then, respond to 2 classmates to add to their analysis (it’s not enough to say “I agree.” If you agree, discuss the “why”). Talk about the points that interested or surprised you the most and feel free to bring up personal experiences to show you know how these concepts apply to you.
TIPS: Consider power/privilege and how it plays out in food policy, consider profit…who benefits from the current food system we have? Who suffers within this system? Consider what we have been through as a society with COVID, who in society were more at-risk of dying due to COVID complications? Think about the examples of how other countries do healthcare (from the documentary ‘Sick Around the World” last week) and how can we change individuals/communities, but most importantly (especially as we consider Sociology), how can we change SYSTEMS that keep people in a vicious cycle (Robert Reich would say) as it relates to poverty/health/hunger? Consider your life experiences with nutritious food OR lack of access to nutritious food. How does this film and your life experiences make you think about the issue of food justice in the U.S.? Let’s finish our discussions for this semester strong by showing me you know how to do Sociology!