Using the HCCB plan, please transform your SMART goals into a PowerPoint presentation and upload the document here. As a reminder, the HCCB plan should include at least three (3) personal AND three (3) professional SMART goals with strategies & tactics. Please review the SMART Goals Resources page for writing assistance.

Using the HCCB plan, please transform your SMART goals into a PowerPoint presentation and upload the document here. As a reminder, the HCCB plan should include at least three (3) personal AND three (3) professional SMART goals with strategies & tactics. Please review the SMART Goals Resources page for writing assistance. Please also prepare a five-minute video presentation of your SMART goals in the Human Capital Capacity Building (HCCB) Plan. The presentation should include: A PowerPoint presentation with a voice-over detailing each slide. You may create your voice-over in PowerPoint itself, or choose to screen record over your presentation as you speak with a tool you are more comfortable with. You are able to submit either a file or a URL of your recording. The following tutorial explains how to create voice-over narration in PowerPoint. How to Make a Video in PowerPoint – ppt to videoLinks to an external site. Please submit your recording to this assignment and post it on the week 9 discussion board. This is so that you may receive individual feedback from your instructor and a grade for your work along with having the opportunity to learn from each other’s presentations.