Using the reading you have done, and the thinking you have been doing, write a r

Using the reading you have done, and the thinking you have been doing, write a roughly 1,250 word essay (1,150-1,750). The essay should answer the question posed fully, and it will be essential that you have a clear claim (thesis) in order for you to make your case. The more clear your thesis, the better your argument will be.
In addition to the philosophical texts drawn from the Norton anthology, your essay will need to include at least two (2) other sources. You may include more, if you wish. The inclusion of these sources will take the form of quotes, paraphrases, etc. 
In all instances you must cite the quotes and include a work cited page using correct MLA format. 
The essay must observe proper MLA formatting.
typed using Garamond or Times New Roman font
typed in a font size between ten (10) and twelve (12)
double spaced
margins no larger than one inch
name, class, professor’s name, and date at the top left
last name and page number in the top right (header)
The essay must adhere to standard grammatical and spelling conventions. 
Point Breakdown (rubric)
Proper MLA paper format (header, double space, etc.)-5 pts
Proper MLA in-text citations -10 pts
Proper MLA end citations -10 pts
No inclusion of first (I, me, us, etc) or second (you, your, etc) pronouns, including references to the class or the essay -5 pts
Inclusion of outside research source   – 10 pts each (0 pts for sources beyond the required two)
Content/argument of essay – 45 pts. 
Choose one of the following options for this essay. 
We have considered what identity means, and how much free will a person has.  Using two philosophers we have read since week six (Plato on), define what personhood is, and address a person’s choices as an individual (free will) and how those choices play in creating/shaping that person’s identity. In defending your position, offer what you believe are the most principled arguments you can make. Think of the strongest objection you can come up with against your own position and respond to it.
Philosophers we’ve studied:
– Hume
– Russell
– William’s
– Strawson
– Ayer