Using what you have learned in the course and your knowledge of a case study stu

Using what you have learned in the course and your knowledge of a case study student from the provided information taken from their IEP, write an student support plan that prepares for this student to enter your classroom. Due to confidentiality, we always use the student’s initials when writing plans, however, since these are not real students you may use the name provided. Your student support plan should be comprehensive enough for other staff/substitutes to carry out and follow through. As the classroom teacher, it is your legal obligation to make sure that the IEP is being followed and your responsibility to support the IEP goals, objectives, and benchmarks. Your plan should address the IEP accommodations and goals and also provide a method for you to assess and document your student’s progress toward their goals so that you may report on progress formally and informally throughout the school year as well as at the end of marking terms and during parent-teacher conferences. In addition to the above conditions, the plan should include:
The type of curriculum and activities you will use
How the design of your indoor and outdoor learning environment will support the student
How the physical and temporal environment, materials, and equipment will be specifically adapted for the student
What Intervention and Instructional Strategies will be used to support the student
To assist you in developing your plan for your case study student click here for the background information and the IEP accommodations and goals.
Your plan can be in essay form or you can choose to put together a presentation if you like. Do what works best for you! Remember that you are writing/presenting as though you are talking to the other teachers/support staff in your classroom or a long-term substitute who has not taken this class!