ust as we’ve done with the topic of sustainability all semester, this film first

ust as we’ve done with the topic of sustainability all semester, this film first addresses the histories of cities, establishing the trajectories that cities are on before considering how these trajectories might play out in the future. The film then spends much time considering what the implications for human well-being as we design our cities to handle the challenges they will face in an increasingly urbanized future. Steps Watch the film “Urbanized Links to an external site.” (1:24:50). You will need to log in using PSU credentials. Review the Resilient Cities Catalyst Links to an external site. website. Specifically, review the About Us and Who We Are pages for a clear picture of the goals of the organization. Review cities that have developed a Resilience focused strategic plan including Miami (FL), Berkeley (CA), Miami Beach (FL), Battery Park City (NY), and Chicago (IL). Next review the City Resilience Framework Download City Resilience Framework website. Collaborate with your group to select a specific urban community for which your group will design a strategic plan to use recreation, park, tourism, or leisure activities (planning or management) to aid in improving the functioning of the community in the future. There are many cities that have a strategic plan available online. Be sure to choose a city that has an available city resilience strategic plan online and accessible. Download it and submit it with the strategic plan that you design. Write a 1-2 page insert to a city-wide strategic plan specifically addressing the ways that recreation, parks or tourism could support a minimum of 8 of the 12 identified goals from the City Resilience Framework in the particular city your group has chosen. Draw on the information and language used in the film, on the Resilient Cities Catalyst website, and from this course to help you with language for describing the challenges being faced by urban centers in the future and for developing ideas (which would be the basis of your plan) meant to aid in the march toward resiliency. Further guidance: Be creative! The plan needs to be well detailed and well explained but does not need to be presented solely in essay format. The use of charts, arrows, grids, or tables is encouraged! For instance, what are the acute and chronic shocks that we can anticipate occurring in cities? What are some of the stresses that can weaken your chosen city? Common issues include pronounced poverty, underdeveloped transportation system, lack of affordable housing, or air/water pollution. Here are some specific examples of a city’s strategic plan. Your submission does not need to mirror the examples. Miami Beach Download Miami Beach Berkeley Download Berkeley Citations Submit your group’s strategic plan content. Requirements Word document This assignment does not need to be an essay format 1-2 pages in length 12-point, Times New Roman font 1-inch margins Appropriate citations are necessary using MLA formatting Heading In the upper left-hand corner of the page, be sure to include the following: Your name, instructor’s name, course name, and date. Do not allow more than the needed amount of spacing at the top of the page.

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