Video Presentation and Spreadsheet

Video Presentation and Spreadsheet

Create a spreadsheet that illustrates data trending over time related to a particular line of service that you are monitoring. Then, record a 5-7 minute professional video presentation in which you describe how and why you are monitoring the outcomes for a particular service line in order to improve care.

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To develop strategies for service line development, leaders need to know how to monitor outcomes that provide pertinent information in support of strategic development. Leaders then need to be skilled at communicating their analysis of those outcomes to other leaders in the organization in order to create awareness and build support for any proposed strategies arising from the analysis.


For this assessment, you will record a video presentation in which you describe how and why you are monitoring the outcomes for a particular service line in order to improve care. You will begin by creating a spreadsheet that contains the pertinent data categories and illustrates data trending over time.

Create a spreadsheet:

· Analyze the what, why, and how to measure for a specific quality outcome related to a service line in a practice setting or organization.

· Chose a specific quality outcome related to a service line in a practice setting or organization.

· Identify the benchmarks associated with that outcome and how often the benchmarks are measured.

· Determine the categories of data you will be measuring in support of the ongoing development of the service line.

· Create a spreadsheet that includes baseline data for each category and additional data that illustrates the trending over time for that category.

· Be ready to explain why you chose these particular data sets and how you intend to use the data to improve outcomes.

Create a video recording:

· Analyze your data and present your conclusions and recommendations to administrators in a recorded video presentation.

· Describe the outcomes you are supporting and the benchmarks related to that outcome.

· Describe your data collection methods and rational.

· Evaluate the data measures and data trending for the specific quality outcome related to the service line.

· Share your interpretation of the data related to the benchmarks of the outcome.

· Support your interpretation with any relevant outside sources.

· Demonstrate to the administrators how you used the data in the spreadsheet to reach your conclusions.

Additional Requirements:

Video Recording:

· Your video recording should be between 3-7 minutes in length. You must appear in professional attire and with a professional demeanor, as if you are presenting to the administration of your organization.

· Kaltura is the preferred tool for creating your video. Any tools other than Kaltura should be cleared with your instructor prior to using.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

· Competency 1: Apply data management techniques to decision making in nursing practice.

· Analyze the what, why, and how to measure for a specific quality outcome related to a service line in a practice setting or organization.

· Competency 2: Create various data representation methods for reporting and professional communications.

· Evaluate data measures and data trending for a specific quality outcome related to a service line in a practice setting or organization.

· Competency 3: Articulate strategies for querying and generating reports from health information system databases.

· Create a data spreadsheet that illustrates trending data for the service line.

· Competency 4: Communicate technical standards as they relate to various informatics technologies.

· Develop a scholarly video presentation of the measures and data for the service line.

Video Presentation and Spreadsheet




I have created a spreadsheet to illustrate data trending over time related to patient satisfaction scores for a specific service line in our healthcare organization.


| Date       | Patient Satisfaction Score |


| 01/01/2023 | 85                         |

| 02/01/2023 | 87                         |

| 03/01/2023 | 89                         |

| 04/01/2023 | 91                         |

| 05/01/2023 | 90                         |

| 06/01/2023 | 92                         |

| 07/01/2023 | 94                         |

| 08/01/2023 | 93                         |

| 09/01/2023 | 95                         |

| 10/01/2023 | 96                         |

| 11/01/2023 | 97                         |

| 12/01/2023 | 98                         |


This spreadsheet tracks patient satisfaction scores on a monthly basis throughout the year 2023. The scores range from 85 to 98, indicating overall positive feedback from patients regarding the specific service line.


**Video Presentation:**


[The presenter appears on screen, dressed professionally.]


Presenter: Hello, everyone. Today, I’m going to discuss how and why we monitor patient satisfaction scores for a specific service line in our healthcare organization.


First, let’s talk about why monitoring patient satisfaction is important. Patient satisfaction is a critical indicator of the quality of care we provide. High levels of patient satisfaction indicate that we are meeting patient needs and expectations, while low levels may suggest areas for improvement.


[The presenter switches to a screen share of the spreadsheet.]


Presenter: Here, you can see a spreadsheet illustrating patient satisfaction scores for the service line over the past year. As you can see, the scores have been consistently high, ranging from 85 to 98. This indicates that patients are highly satisfied with the care they receive from this service line.


[The presenter switches back to the camera.]


Presenter: Now, let’s discuss how we measure patient satisfaction. We use surveys and feedback forms to gather data from patients about their experience with the service line. We ask questions about various aspects of care, including communication with staff, cleanliness of facilities, and overall satisfaction with the care received.


[The presenter switches to a screen share of the spreadsheet again.]


Presenter: This spreadsheet tracks patient satisfaction scores on a monthly basis. By analyzing this data, we can identify trends and patterns in patient satisfaction over time. For example, if we notice a sudden drop in scores, we can investigate the cause and take corrective action to address any issues.


[The presenter switches back to the camera.]


Presenter: In conclusion, monitoring patient satisfaction scores allows us to assess the quality of care provided by a specific service line and identify areas for improvement. By tracking these scores over time and taking action to address any issues that arise, we can ensure that we continue to provide high-quality care to our patients.


Thank you for watching.


[The video ends.]

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