View the following videos and create a personal SWOT analysis. Personal SWOT Ana

View the following videos and create a personal SWOT analysis.
Personal SWOT Analysis Example – Identifying Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (2:20):In this video, MindTools provides an informative introduction to creating a personal SWOT analysis
Focusing on Strengths: Eva Katharina Herber at TEDxIEUniversityMadrid (11:37): In this video, Eva Katharina Herber inspires us to stop fixing our weaknesses and start leveraging our personal strengths
Complete a personal SWOT analysis, defining your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Create a specific plan for you, describing the actions you will take to achieve personal success by turning your Weaknesses into Strengths and your Threats into Opportunities
My career is to be a hr manager

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Personal SWOT Ana
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