Watch the film, “Wag the Dog” You are now political scientists. You know that politicians are in the habit of distracting Americans from the real issues by dangling

Watch the film, “Wag the Dog” You are now political scientists. You know that politicians are in the habit of distracting Americans from the real issues by dangling fake stuff before them – the more sensational, the more distracting these fake danglings are. We discussed in class a major distraction regarding the second Gulf War. The Bush White House turned the public’s attention from “Why are we at war?” to “Who is Joe Wilson?” and “Who is this man’s wife?” With all that you have learned, write a reflection paper on the film. This means to watch the film with a critical eye, then summarize the film, then write your reaction to it. WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS. DO NOT COPY FROM THE INTERNET!!!!!!! Plagiarism from other sources will get you a zero for this assignment. DO NOT waste space by telling me who the director, producer, etc. are. This is irrelevant to the assignment. You will lose points for doing this.