NR 394 Transcultural Nursing
Week 4: Course Project Part 2
Directions: Prior to completing this template, carefully review Week 4: Course Project Part 2 Check-In Directions paying attention to how to name the document and all rubric requirements.
Your Name:
Approved specific/ethnic population _Hispanics
Approved health problem _Obesity and Overweight
Explain any revisions, if required, by the Week 3: Course Project Part 1 faculty feedback. If no revisions were needed, state “None.”
Explain your progress on completing the Week 4: Course Project Part 2 assignment.
Completion of week 4 task is underway. The information is being gathered from various sources such as class notes, academic journals, internet sources, articles, and other authorized academic sources. Getting information from different sources is essential in continual use and enhancement of my skills (Philippakos, 2018). It is critical to have information targeting effective information on obesity and overweight, especially among the Hispanics. Relevant information on the desired topic, which is obesity issue in Hispanic population, is critical in producing positive outcomes for the current project.
Personally, I enjoy completing assignments. However, I acknowledge that this assignment can be changed or adjusted constantly. Overall, working on week 4 assignment has been both exciting and challenging experience and I look forward for successful completion and submission.
Ask at least one question of your instructor that could help you do your best on the Week 4: Course Project Part 2 assignment.
It is imperative to determine the rationale and goals for any assignment given by the instructor to help in realizing such goals. Therefore, the possible questions that I can as the instructor to help in best performance in week 4 project include the following.
What do I hope to gain from completing the assignment? What knowledge, abilities, and skills does the assignment aim to measure?
What is the scope of the project? What areas to will you cover in the weekly assignment?
This last question is concerned with the determination of the levels of the student. Description of the scope of the project is essential in tailoring of the assignment appropriately for the students’ skill levels. Setting assignment beyond the knowledge of students is challenging is frustrating and can demoralize students (Hussain et al., 2018). Knowing the level of students is vital in determining the direction of assignment and the abilities that the assignment seeks to investigate.
Hussain, M., Zhu, W., Zhang, W., & Abidi, S. M. R. (2018). Student engagement predictions in an e-learning system and their impact on student course assessment scores. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2018.
Philippakos, Z. A. (2018). Using a task analysis process for reading and writing assignments. The Reading Teacher, 72(1), 107-114.