Weekly Reflection Journal Weekly Reflection Journal Journal Prompt For this cou

Weekly Reflection Journal

Weekly Reflection Journal

Journal Prompt

For this course, you have an online journal. You should complete an entry each week in your journal. For some weeks, I will provide ideas on possible topics but this is mostly for you to reflect on what you are learning in this class and how you are evolving as a writer.

Week 1 prompt – Do we rely too heavily on experts to make decisions for us?
Week 2 prompt – What is it that you consider yourself to be an expert in?
Week 3 prompt – Are some experts “better” than others? Does it depend on whom they work for (i.e. the government)? Which experts do you tend to trust?
Week 4 prompt: What assumptions do we make about video games and the people who play them?
Week 5 prompt: What are your thoughts about the approaching group project?
Week 6 Prompt: What are your expectations for the group project? What role do you see yourself taking?
Week 7 Prompt: What type of role do you see yourself in while working on the group project? Why?
Week 8 Prompt: How much compromise are you comfortable with when working in a group? Why?
Week 9 Prompt: What is the importance of a Spring Break in the college semester?
Week 10 Prompt: How is your group project experience going? What would you change if you could?
Week 11 Prompt: How has the group project experience been? Do you feel you have contributed the amount you should? Why?
Week 12 prompt: Which of the first three essays was your favorite to write? Why?
Week 13 prompt: How do you plan to approach the last few weeks of the semester?