What information within the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experiences, DNP PI Workspace, and Student Success Center is the most helpful for this course and the completion of your DPI project?

It is important to each and everyone of us to make sure that we give ourselves plenty of time to work on our schedule to prioritize which will help us in our school, work and family life. Going back to school while working full time is stressful and exciting at the same time. A lot of anxiety goes on my mind and thinking if I can do it this time. Emotional well- being during this time is important that we should all consider while in school and outside life.

Stress is a state of mental or emotional pressure resulting from a difficult situation or issue that can be resolved when identified. Many of the stressors were inherent from our profession since we work long hours, dealing with loss, emotional suffering, caring for dying patients and providing support to families and patients. There are several ways to improve or relieve stress and can be managed by a person. Effective techniques for stress management varies and one is self-care. Self-care includes mindfulness practices, good nutrition eating habits, physical good health with exercise.

As a DNP learner I realized that I should self- improve and should know how to manage my stress and make sure to remind myself that I need self- care too. while reading some articles regarding stress I was able to come up tips to guide me in balancing my studies, work and being a mother. Techniques include manage my time wisely, setting limits for my school work, schedule for studying, small breaks when needed. Other technique is make sure I am organized in taking notes, keeping track of my schedules, assignments and other important task. Create a good study environment, making sure that your study area is quiet, peaceful and soothing to you because it will reduce some of the stress and will help you focus in learning. Making sure that you get enough sleep and well rested is important. Sleep deprivation can add to your stress and won’t help you in learning. Balancing with school, work and life should include taking care of your self. Now that I am back in school I will make time to enjoy spending time with my friends whenever I can, dine out with family from time to time, spa which includes manicure and pedicure that will make me feel good inside and out. These relaxation techniques are part of my daily routine that can help my overall wellness. Last thing is going to church every Sunday and always praying to God and asking for guidance.


Alshutwi S, Alkhanfari H, Sweedan N. The influence of time management skills on stress and academic performance level among nursing studentsJ Nurs Educ Prac. 2020;10(1):96-100. doi:10.5430/jnep.v10n1p96

Botha E., Gwin T., Purpora C. The effectiveness of mindfulness based programs in reducing stress experienced by nurses in adult hospital settings: a systematic review of quantitative evidence protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports . 2015;13(10):21–29. doi: 10.11124/jbisrir-2015-2380. – DOI – PubMed

Greeson J. M., Zarrin H., Smoski M. J., et al. Mindfulness meditation targets transdiagnostic symptoms implicated in stress-related disorders: understanding relationships between changes in mindfulness, sleep quality, and physical symptoms. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: ECAM . 2018;2018:10. doi: 10.1155/2018/4505191.4505191 – DOI – PMC – PubMed

Going to school or college is exciting but can be very stressful. Stress according to Cohen et al., (2016) is an umbrella term used to represent the experiences in the environmental demands of people’s situations affect them and their ability to cope with them physically or psychologically well. We all feel stress in various ways and dimensions and the body produces different responses depending on the type of stress, who is affected by the stress and our ability to manage the stress (Cool & Zappetti, 2019). There are different stressors in life, chronic, acute, life and daily events and they could be intertwined. For instance, a chronic stressor could lead to a life event, like the death of a loved one who has been sick for several years. Acute stressors may be considered chronic stressors as well. Being in school is an acute stressor but also a chronic stressor because a person is in school for a long time. Going to school is also a chronic stressor that will lead to a life event of graduating from school (Cohen, Gianaros, & Manuck, 2016).

Some of the ways to recognize signs of imbalance or stress as a DNP learner is when I am not meeting up with my work, assignments and playing catch up or when I am feeling overwhelmed. When I feel inadequate, not knowing what I am doing or things are not coming out right. And most especially when I am not getting enough sleep.

Self-care is some of the habits and practices that one can use to take care of themselves and manage the stressors of life, such as with family, friends, work and school to enhance your well-being. Knowing and practicing these techniques will help one to reduce most stresses. Some studies have shown that when we take care of our body, mind and our spirit, we are more productive in our lives both professionally and academically (Texas Division of Student Affairs, 2022).

Some of the self-care routines that I will use to help me to achieve balance with my learning would be to try and calm my self down by doing deep breathing exercises, trying to stay calm and think it through using mindfulness. Being mindful of what I need to do, writing it out in order of priority. I also talk to my friends who have been through the same situation give me advice and I try to use the best one that will work for me. I usually talk to my mother and she encourages me and prays for me. While doing all these, I am also praying to God to help me, by giving me wisdom and understanding of what I need to do. I also use time out to rest and relax by watching TV- a funny program, sometimes I go out with friends, take a walk or just stay home to rest or sleep (napping) then when I wake up, I feel refreshed. There are times when I do not answer the phone either. I do not do anything too stressful at this time. I also reach out to my instructors and professors and explain how I am feeling and they also give me advice on what I should do.


Cohen, S., Gianaros, P. J., & Manuck, S. B. (2016). A stage model of stress and disease. Perspectives on Psychological Science11(4), 456-463. https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691616646305

Cool, J., & Zappetti, D. M. (2019). The physiology of stress. In J. M. Zappetti & J. D Avery. Medical student well-being: An essential guide. Springer, Cham. http://doi.org/10.10.1007/978-3-030-16558-1_1

Crosswell, A. D., & Lockwood, K. G. (2020). Best practices for stress measurement: How to measure psychological stress in health research. Health Psychology Openhttps://doi.org/10.1177/2055102920933072

Texas Division of Student Affairs (2022) Self-care activities. UT Counseling and Mental Health Center. https://cmhc.utexas.edu/selfcare.html