Write a 2500-word excerpt + book proposal of the biography on the life of the Am

Write a 2500-word excerpt + book proposal of the biography
on the life of the Amir of Kuwait Sabah al-ahmad al-Sabah, but I talked about
my life as well where I interweaved my own story in the theme resilience to get
the bachelor degree and how I admire his resilience in staying in his
·       Book proposal is not included in the word count
In my first assessment (I have attached), my professor told
me to interweave my story with the sheikh. I have added 3 themes, 1. Resilience
and Determination. (Geo-politics determination in evolving) 2. Impactful
moments: vision and constructive abilities and humanitarian actions (Mention Masjid
al-imam alsadiq incident 2015 and Sabah Al-Sabah role). I will attach a Word file of a story
from a close friend of mine’s perspective on this incident in 2015,
narrate it creatively.
I want you to write: the prologue, chapter 1: Resilience and
determination, and chapter 2: Impactful Moments: Constructive abilities and humanitarian
I will attach a Word file of information to add as well in book proposal. 
I will also attach a Word file of an example of a biography with a book proposal that follows the same format.
about the book proposal, it is more of a business case, not
an essay. In the assessment sheet the book proposal should be a creative
non-fiction proposal and should include: 1. Synopsis and outline, 2. Rationale,
3. Context and genre, 4. Market/Readership, 5. Illustrations, 6. Legal/ethical
considerations, 7. Structure (In the assessment sheet it states that they need
a “representative selection” of what the book would be like, if I was
commissioned to write it.), 8. A note on the creative sample.
.  My professor also has
added notes for me to focus on I will write them as well for you to help focus on
Professor notes on my past assessment:
give yourself due credit
for your linguistic skills here. You could situate yourself as an “insider
researcher” in that you have access to the source
culture and language.
Wow! Your own story would
be fascinating to interweave through the biography.
What was he like as a
person? This could make his political achievements more impactful/memorable.
This is a highly
articulate, thoughtful and well researched account of your biographical
project. You make a strong case for your subject’s importance and relevance –
already, I want to know more about him – but we don’t get much sense of how you
envisage the creative text.  Expression: Very
engaging. Your commitment to your subject shines through. Occasionally we need
a point to be unpacked in more detail, particularly where it comes to
considering the implications for HOW you will write the biography. But this is
an engaging reflective voice.
Technical skills: Clear and
strategic research goals are deployed, resulting in a cogent survey of the
existing resources in both English and Arabic – well done for that. What’s
needed now is a sense of the kind of biography you intend to write. Your own
stake in the process, your own conversations with family members, and the
potential of your subject to inspire young people may be productive strands to
bring into the mix. Remember that we want to know him as a man, not just a list
of political achievements. Writerly reading and research. Good critical
research on the context, cultures and key texts informing your project. You
will need to do more practical, creative research to evolve your narrative
voice for assessment 2, and you might have paid some attention to that here.
For the book proposal, you will need to be able to identify what gap you are
filling, and what you are adding that isn’t already out there. I think that
your evolving relationship with your subject and your family’s perspectives,
and your growing sense of his inspiring humanitarian acts, would be a good
focus. This is unique to you. Could you find out or intuit more about your
subject as a human being? Style Commendably clear and engaging. Writing Skills:
Generally effective, with good control and clarity. Greater specificity about
HOW you intend to create your narrative voice will help support the reflective
elements. Reflection: This is a strong account of what promises to be a fascinating
project. The emphasis is on contextual and critical research. Think now about
expanding your focus to include creative research as you evolve your narrative
voice. Are there any comparable political biographies from which you can.
This assessment requires professional presentation and takes the
form of a book proposal with sample chapter from your biography in progress –
just what you’d need to send to a publisher or agent.