Write a film review in which you also analyze and compare both the film and the story “1408 by Stephen king.” It should be 4-5 pages long (1000-1250 words), double-spaced, 14-point font, in its 3rd version for portfolio submission. The first draft can be 750-1000 words.
Basic Requirements:
• The review should reflect that you have read and can apply materials in the unit for “1408” about writing a film review and writing about film in general.
• Make sure you identify the title, director, and release date for the film. When you name a character, identify the name of the actor in parentheses (you only have to do this the first time you name the character from the film). Use this link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0450385/
Here is the prompt you are responding to-in other words, the starting point for your review:
While we know that short fiction and film are decidedly different genres, what happens when they both try to tell the same story? We can discuss whether we like it or not, of course. But it is more interesting and has a greater impact on our readers to analyze what the story means, whether the film conveys similar themes and meanings, and how it does so. It is interesting to compare and contrast the two media—written and visual. To do this, you can rely on some of the posted links and lessons in Course Content. But why do we bother comparing and contrasting them? What is the point? Let’s aim for something larger in this assignment. Let’s try to analyze each story, looking at differences in emphasis, how we experience the impact of each text differently, and even how major themes change not just because the director is not the same person as the author, but also because a visual medium can emphasize different things than a linguistic (language-based) medium can. Neither is inherently bad or good. Make sure your review analyzes, rather than judges
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