Write a library research paper on the Chimpanzee species
This paper is to sound like a college freshman wrote it for a biology class.
Include at least the following points (in any order or combination):
o Common and scientific names for the organism
o Its taxonomic status; to what other organisms it is closely related
o Geographic range through which it normally lives
o Ecological Niche; Trophic Position; Symbiotic Relationships
o Reproductive Strategy
o Developmental Biology and Life History
o Anatomical, Physiological and Behavioral Adaptations
o Phylogenetic Relationships and Evolutionary History
• Sources
You must include atleast 6 peer reviewed articles among your sources
The paper should not rely heavily on Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, the textbook, etc.
You must include a complete list of all reference resources used to research and write the paper; use proper APA formatting
You must properly cite all information presented in the paper (since you are unlikely to have done the primary research yourself, nearly every sentence should have a citation and proper quotation marks; no plagiarism
You should include footnotes or endnotes
• Format
Word count should be above 1500 words.
o Margins should be 1” all around
o Font should be 12pts and lines double spaced o Paragraph first lines should be indented •
o With respect to photos, illustrations, charts, graphs, etc, include them within the body of the paper (2-3 per page) at the appropriate parts and you must have a legend that explains what each of these demonstrates.
o File should be a pdf
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