Write a Recreation therapy base script in which you find a type of therapy/intervention, such as pet therapy or aquatic therapy, etc..… that helps those who need it and also create the main focus of the script on why leisure, recreation, and play are important to those individuals.
– Answer each question as if it were in a presentation or scripted
1. Identify clearly your audience (Ex: Older adults affected by Dementia, Individuals in Substance Abuse Recovery, Individuals with Physical Disabilities)
2. State a problem that the audience is experiencing. This problem should be backed up with data & include a source. (Ex: People are having negative side effects with medication
“According to source… “
3. Show expertise and present how recreation therapy is helpful for
“Do not worry, as a recreation therapy major, we have a solution…”
4. Present the solution with more info (Ex: animal-assisted therapy,
Ex: “Teens who participate in extracurricular activities at least twice a week have a higher GPA, and are less likely to abuse substances…”
Ground your solution in an evidence-based/data-driven solution and include a source.
5. End with a call to action (state how you will contribute to reducing the problem stated above as a recreation therapist.
Ex:“Find a recreation therapist near you who specializes in pet therapy: animal-assisted therapy, help your loved one affected by dementia…”
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