Writing the paper: Once you have selected a neurological disorder (Creutzfeldt J

Writing the paper:
Once you have selected a neurological disorder (Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease) , it is time to start researching it! You need to use reputable sources – so Buzzfeed’s list of the top crazy brain disorders does NOT count. You need to find peer-reviewed journal articles, luckily you have access to the handy dandy online resources of the library and google scholar. Using those sources write a 3-4 page paper over your disorder. The paper MUST include: the brain region(s) or structure(s) implicated in the disorder, the supposed cause of the disorder, and finally how what you learned in this class helped you better understand this disorder. The paper should be double-spaced with 1″ margins, in 12 point font, and written using a professional and scientific tone (i.e. this should not read like something you would write for an English class or blog post).
Be sure to re-read and edit your writing! It should also be written by YOU and not artificial intelligence.
You are NOT allowed to use direct quotes, instead everything must be paraphrased and written in your own words. You do need to include citations when you are paraphrasing from your sources. These papers will be uploaded through Turnitin (on Canvas) to check for plagiarism. Please use APA format for your citations and include a references section at the end of your paper (not included in the 3-4 page requirement). You DO NOT need a title page or abstract.
In-text Citations
• Whenever you refer to ideas or findings that are originally from another researcher, you MUST cite your source.
• Include the author’s LAST name and the date of publication
• Do not include the title of the article or journal you used within text
• Ex: Barton (2015) found cat purring reduces stress.
• You are not allowed to directly quote your sources, you need to paraphrase instead.
Topics learned in class: Overview of the Nervous System, Cells of the Nervous System, Neuronal Communication, Psychopharmacology, Neuroanatomy, Sensation (Tie this topics of what I learned in class to my paper, this class is Biopsychology by the way. 
Use simple terms and don’t use words that are to hard, simple words to explain my paper. 
Iwasaki, Y. (2017) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neuropathology, 37: 174–188. doi: 10.1111/neup.12355.
Neurodegenerative Diseases, 2012, Volume 724
ISBN : 978-1-4614-0652-5
Ironside, J.W. (1996), Review: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Brain Pathology, 6: 379-388. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1750-3639.1996.tb00869.x
or if you find others you can add them
Thank you! 
Do not include the title of the article or journal you used within text
Ex: Barton (2015) found cat purring reduces stress.
You are not allowed to directly quote your sources, you need to paraphrase instead