You are to plan on starting a business. Create a Powerpoint addressing all the above items( Market research, Business Srtucture, Licenses and Permits, name and logo of the business and legal issues.)
1. Market Research:
a. Problem: (What problem are you solving? Is there a “pain point in the marketplace?) (Use library database for research)
b. Target Market: (Who are you serving- Customer base?)
c. Competition: (How is your busness different than your competition? What is your differential advantage)
d. funding: (Start-up fund … needed for what) ( How will you secure funds to start the business)
2. Decide on a Business Structure- What is the business structure best for you: Sole Proprietorships, Limited Partnerships, Partnerships or Corporations. Why did you decide on this structure? Complete the necessary application found in CT Secretary of State website to establish your business. Attach the application with your submission.
a. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the structure of your choice?
3. License/ Permits- Will your business require any types of special license or permits?
4.Select a name for your business. Explain your search to as to make sure that the name is not already in use. Design a company logo.
5. Location: Brick or mortar or Cyberspace; Do you have a domain name- Identify and explain any zoning issues as to your location?
6. Draft a contract you are likely to use in your business (contract for sales of goods or contract for services) Attach with your submission- For example used appliances business- contract to sell a used appliance or contract to perform Landscaping services.
7. Identify 3 legal issues that can arise with your business and the applicable law or statutes that are relevant. Explain how those laws apply.
** Use a PowerPoint format for your project
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