You must answer the “critical questions” below as the framework for the essay. 

You must answer the “critical questions” below as the framework for the essay.  Analysis essay must be 2-4 double-spaced pages.
Critical Questions:
What is the main subject matter analyzed? 
socio-historical context:
time, place & people
political economy & technology
power, politics & the state
culture & ideology
social life
popular struggles
What is the main theory used for analysis? 
Are other theoretical perspectives discussed & how are they evaluated?
What does the theory used bring to the analysis?
What are the problems or issues – root causes & immediate context – discussed?
What solutions are proposed? [see organizing models chart]
Is social change – reform or revolutionary (anti-capitalist) – part of the solution?
Who/what are the agents of this change?
How are they organized?
Who is the main intended audience for this work?
Through the lens of the scholar & academic:
What is most useful about this work?
What could be different?
Through the lens of the activist & movement builder:
What is most useful about this work?
What could be different?