You should set a time frame- the Han Dynasty and Period of Division would probab

You should set a time frame- the Han Dynasty and Period of Division would probably be good. You should use LOTS of secondary scholarship. Look at the anthology “Facets of Daoism.” You should look at the figure of Tao Hongjing- he was one of the most politically successful Daoists of all time. In fact, you could perhaps do an entire paper on whether or not the political program of Tao Hongjing lines up with the ideas of the texts we read for class.

Your essay must draw upon evidence from BOTH Early Daoist Scriptures AND at least one text from the Warring States or Han. You must also draw upon at least four secondary sources in developing your thesis, though ultimately your analysis should be rooted in your own reading of the PRIMARY SOURCES. For all sources use simple footnote citation forms, but a bibliography in standard format must be provided for all sources (consult The Chicago Manual of Style).

All files will be added and must be used, your own research is helpful as well just make sure all work is cited correctly.