You will consider all aspects of the processes leading up to writing the essay and the processes that followed writing the essay. Processes leading up to writing the essay include lecture, discussion board activities, reading summaries, any extra credit,


Given the lecturing, drafting, and writing processes surrounding the Grit Essay, you will write an essay on what you have learned to date. This is a knowledge check and mid-semester self-assessment and reflection essay to gauge your progress regarding key composition-based principles and strategies. You will write this essay based upon your recent experience writing the Grit Essay, which required quote integration, minor argument building, and synthesis. You are not writing another Grit Essay. However, you are gauging what you learned during the learning, applying, and writing processes surrounding the topic and essay development.

You will consider all aspects of the processes leading up to writing the essay and the processes that followed writing the essay. Processes leading up to writing the essay include lecture, discussion board activities, reading summaries, any extra credit, discussion of sources, and peer review. You will also consider the drafting processes as well as instructor feedback, if you submitted a draft to the instructor, and peer feedback via the discussion board for your DIRW 0315 course.

You may consider the source materials but at your discretion and your flexibility. This knowledge check essay can be interpreted as a free-write that may be narrative in form with some references to materials and/or as a semi-developed essay with multiple references and quoting. The answer to the question “What did you learn?” will be your thesis statement.


This is a completion essay with point considerations.


Purpose/Learning Objective


Gauge your learning and writing processes.

Create a thesis.                       

Synthesize ideas into a cohesive discussion.




The word length requirement for this essay is 600 to 750 words. You are not required to integrate source materials, but you are required to reference activities. Your target is the Grit Essay and all activities surrounding it. You may use the categories as sub-titles within your paper. Be sure to add a main title for your essay.







Provide an
introduction. Provide a thesis based on “What Did You Learn?”



What do you think
about the topic of “grit” overall? Provide a general overview.



What is your view on
the essay structure? Did it help or hinder your learning and writing processes?
Do you know your learning style, i.e., visual, auditory, and/or kinesthetic?
Consider how you learn and your learning style in your response.



How useful were the
required sources, especially the base source? Consider the impact of learning
about grit, self-control, fixed mindset, growth mindset, and



How useful was the
instructor feedback? How useful was the peer feedback? What did you need? Did
you get what you needed? Were you clear on what you needed? How would you voice
your need? Consider your student writing needs.



How comfortable do
you feel using MLA after reviewing the MLA Topics (Videos) and Tutorials and
the Purdue OWL link? Consider the importance of appropriately attributing
source materials in an academic paper.



Provide a conclusion
that focuses on a summary of what you learned writing the essay.



You must provide a
Works Cited entry for the paper you wrote. See the SNHU document titled “FAQ:
How should I cite my own work?” for more information.

Note: You may use any and/or all of the sources to make your points. You will not be penalized for not using any source materials, but you will need to reference at least activities that serve as a foundation for learning and writing the paper.




The total points possible for this assignment is 100 (10%).


The document must be double-spaced and formatted for MLA. You must create an MLA Works Cited page of entries if you refer and/or quote source materials. You can include additional sources not permitted under the original assignment. You are not required to integrate sources into this paper.


You must provide a Works Cited page for the paper you wrote.


Refer to the Purdue OWL link for help. Format for MLA appropriately. Refer also to the SNHU handout attached to this assignment sheet.


This is still a formal essay.


Due Date


See the due date in Brightspace. Late papers will be accepted at full points possible. Essay provides learning feedback.




Academic honesty is key. Please avoid plagiarizing work. This is not a collaborative assignment. Refer to the course syllabus for more information about plagiarizing and the consequences of cheating and colluding.