You will discuss the crisis intervention continuum and where on the continuum they ended up when working through your crisis. Refer to the assignment expectations for further detail.
You are expected to craft a well-organized crisis intervention scenario in which either you were involved or had personal and intimate knowledge of what occurred and how it was handled. There will be a total of 4 assignments surrounding the scenario, which will culminate in a crisis intervention plan as well as lessons learned from the crisis you experienced. Please note that the crisis chosen need not be a ‘life-altering’ crisis per se. If you have not been involved or do not feel you have had personal and intimate knowledge of a crisis intervention scenario, you can consult with the instructor. It may be possible, in this case, that you, with approval of the instructor, can synthesize your own hypothetical scenario based on research and/or consultation with peers outside of class. However, personal experiences are preferred.
I woud like the crisis to be about the Earthquake that happened in Haiti in 2010..
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