You will select a medication and develop a concept map. A concept map is a visual representation of interrelated concepts, systems, or processes. To better underst

You will select a medication and develop a concept map. A concept map is a visual representation of interrelated concepts, systems, or processes.

To better understand concept maps, review these web resources:

A definition of a concept map and also a concept map of a concept mapLinks to an external site.Learn about concept mapsLinks to an external site.You can also use Word or PowerPoint to do concept maps.

The cover sheet should be (in APA), concept map, references (again in APA). You will upload a PDF version of your concept map to the assignment tab.

Choose a medication and drug class as the topic and then elaborate on the different important concepts related to the drug (class) i.e. patient education, adverse effects, drug effectiveness outcomes, significant interactions, lab work etc