You will write a brief formal report for Monarchy Technology executives that is based on the scenario provided to you in the Ametros platform regarding the failure of the Monarchy Technology software Regency III to improve hiring of people from diverse backgrounds. As the character Landal stated, the report should contain “a summary of the situation, possible causes for the issues they’ve found, and their potential effects.” The report does not need to be “a full-blown cause-and-effect breakdown,” but should be suitably analytical, not just descriptive. Use specific information provided to you in the Ametros platform for evidence to support your points; however, you may NOT use any of their wording without properly quoting and citing it using APA style. External research is not required. Use any quotations sparingly as the bulk of your work should be in your own words. You do not need to include recommendations on how to resolve this situation.
As ADMN 233 is a writing course, you will be graded primarily on your writing skills (see grading criteria below) and not on the accuracy of your understanding of the technical or software issues within the simulation scenario.
Assignment Structure
Your report must include (in the following order):
Title page: Include a descriptive, unique title and your name and job title.
Introduction: Briefly provide background information on the problem. This should be no more than 1–2 paragraphs or 3–5 sentences in total.
Findings and Analysis: Logically arrange pertinent facts with your corresponding analysis. Break this section into subsections with applicable subheadings.
Conclusion: In one paragraph of no more than 3–4 sentences, conclude your report
References (optional): Only include this section if you used any sources of ideas, words, or images. If so, list them here in correct APA style.
Use the words in bold above as section headings in your document. You can have additional subheadings if appropriate.
Personal Reflection Section
After your report, include a section with the heading “Personal Reflection.” In 4–6 sentences, write a personal reflection on your professional experience with reports and what you have learned from writing these that you have applied to this assignment. (If you do not have professional experience with reports, you may include your prior experience with reports personally or in other courses or educational settings). Also discuss what you have learned from the course material on report writing that you can apply to your profession or future career.
Required Length
Your assignment should be between 750 and 1000 words. The word count does not include the title page or references, but it does include the personal reflection section.
Presentation and Formatting
In professional communications, the appearance of documents is almost as important as their content. For this assignment, you are required to use a professional looking template based either from those provided by Microsoft Word or Google Docs or by creating your own template design. Use techniques covered in this course to present your writing effectively (e.g., bolding, headings, whitespace, bulleted lists, colour, page numbers, etc.).
Use the following formatting specifications for your assignment document:
page size of “letter”
1.5 line spacing
margins of 2.5 cm (1 inch) on all sides
standard font (e.g., Arial, Times or similar)
font size of 10–12
left alignment of text
Writing Quality
The main purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate their professional writing skills and knowledge of the style and conventions of professional reports. Therefore, the accuracy and writing style of the report is of primary importance. Be sure the report’s information and analysis flows logically, clearly, and in a well-organized fashion (main points and subtopics should be immediately apparent). Professional writing techniques, such as clarity, precision, and brevity, are crucial. Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and paragraphing are also essential.
All words must be completely your own. You may NOT use the wording from these assignment instructions, the Ametros platform, or any other source without properly quoting and citing your source. Review tips on avoiding plagiarism and how to paraphrase properly on the Write Site.
If you are quoting from the simulation platform, use the following APA style:
Ametros Learning. (2021). Communication for business [Computer software].
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