Your Article Reaction Paper for this week should deal with Elder Physical Healt

Your Article Reaction Paper for this week should deal with Elder Physical Health and Well Being. It should be a minimum of two (2) pages in length and double-spaced. Choose websites that have good information and contain an author.

Cover Page: Title of Topic Area; Name, Date, Website Assignment #, Article title and author; URL of the article, and bold subheadings in the paper

Summary: Briefly summarize the article in a paragraph or two. Do not go into lengthy detail.

Reaction to Author’s Point of View: Next, add a subheading entitled “Reaction to Author’s Point of View” — here you either agree or disagree with the author about specific points that the author is making.

Reaction to the Topic: Next, add a subheading entitled “Reaction to the Topic” — here you react to the topic area as a whole, not to the article. You may have just chosen a slice of the topic for your article but now you need to give your opinion regarding the whole topic.