youtube link below
Congratulations! You have completed your degree and are now ready to pound the pavement in search of your dream job.
Post 1: Initial Response
Use an internet job board to find a posting for the position you hope to get once you have completed your degree. Find a posting that includes the annual salary and has been posted in the last two weeks. Include the URL to the position in your post.
Next, open a blank Excel spreadsheet. Take the annual salary from your job posting and use Excel formulas to calculate your weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, and monthly gross pay. Watch this video to show you how to create the spreadsheet. Include the Excel spreadsheet in your post. Your name should be in cell A1.
In a summary paragraph, describe your future job, what annual salary you found, and the results of your calculations.
Include these items in your post:
URL to position
Completed Excel spreadsheet
Summary paragraph: job description, annual salary, calculation results
Post 2: Reply to a Classmate
Although it would be great if your colleague could take home 100% of their gross pay, you are a realist who will help your colleague calculate their net pay.
Find a classmate’s initial post that has not yet been replied to by a classmate. Use an internet search engine to find the current Social Security and Medicare tax percentages. Choose one of the gross pay amounts (weekly, biweekly, etc.) from your classmate’s post to calculate the Social Security and Medicare deductions from their pay. Then calculate their net pay. Show all steps in your calculations.
Using several sentences, discuss two more deductions that they might see in their paycheck in addition to the two you have already calculated.
Include these items in your post:
Calculation for Social Security deduction
Calculation for Medicare deduction
Calculation for net pay
Discussion of two more potential deductions
Post 3: Reply to Another Classmate
Find a classmate’s thread in the Discussion Board that you find interesting and join the conversation by replying to a post. Post several sentences on this topic that are thoughtful and advance the discussion mathematically. Responses within your own initial thread will not count as a Post 3