YouTube- Mary Bassett (TedTalk video) 1. Create an argumentative thesis statement that responds to a statement made by the speaker in the video. 2.Find FIVE possible sources for your essay. These sources should be used to support your thesis. Do not use the TedTalk video as a source in your essa. You are not agreeing or disagreeing with the author. You are researching and supporting a thesis statement on a topic that the video inspires. 3. Write your Annotated Bibliography and submit it with your thesis statement by the due date.

YouTube- Mary Bassett (TedTalk video)

1. Create an argumentative thesis statement that responds to a statement made by the speaker in the video.

2.Find FIVE possible sources for your essay. These sources should be used to support your thesis. Do not use the TedTalk video as a source in your essa. You are not agreeing or disagreeing with the author. You are researching and supporting a thesis statement on a topic that the video inspires.

3. Write your Annotated Bibliography and submit it with your thesis statement by the due date.

The post YouTube- Mary Bassett (TedTalk video) 1. Create an argumentative thesis statement that responds to a statement made by the speaker in the video. 2.Find FIVE possible sources for your essay. These sources should be used to support your thesis. Do not use the TedTalk video as a source in your essa. You are not agreeing or disagreeing with the author. You are researching and supporting a thesis statement on a topic that the video inspires. 3. Write your Annotated Bibliography and submit it with your thesis statement by the due date. appeared first on My blog.