The purpose of the group system analysis and design project is to demonstrate students’ability to apply the knowledge learned in this course to a real-world project.


The purpose of the group system analysis and design project is to demonstrate students’ability to apply the knowledge learned in this course to a real-world project.

Assessment Description

The system analysis and design project must be realistic and it will be done using techniques covered in this course. You should select any of the following projects that are based on any real-life example. For example, if you choose the ebay bidding system as your project, you must analyze the requirements of that system and base your analysis and design activities on the identified requirements and the processes associated. You are free to identify the issues with the current system and suggest improvements and include suggestions for your project. Find more information about these systems by browsing their details on the web.

Ebay Bidding SystemUber Eats delivery SystemCommonwealth bank’s CommSec pocket investment systemBupa OSHC Health Insurance Claim systemEasypark car park system rental systemKFC Order on the Go systemFlybuys rewards management systemAmpol’s EG Club systemPlenty of Fish Dating SystemSeek employment SystemDogPack app – Dog Park Finder systemTicketek AU sports and entertainment ticketing systemLinktGo Toll App SystemPTv App – Public Transport Victoria transport search system.

Project Deliverables

The project requires students to perform two phases: (a) requirements Analysis (b) System Modelling.

Title page (project name, author, and date)

Phase 1: Requirement analysis (Due Date – Week 7)

Introduction to the selected project and System descriptionObjectives of projectRequirement Specification (functional and non-functional) and ConstraintsDescription of the proposed systemLogical model designData flow diagrams – Context diagramData flow diagrams – Diagram 0/Diagram [Diagram 1 is optional]Descriptions of processes in each diagram (Process descriptions in Structured English]

Marking Criteria and Rubrics

Marking CriteriaMarksIntroduction, Objectives and Requirements1Requirement Specification3Context diagram2Dataflow diagrams and Process Descriptions4Total10

Phase 2: System and database design (Physical model design) (Due Date – Week 11)

A.  Object Oriented Modelling

Use a suitable UML diagramming software such as IO.Draw, Visual Paradigm (community edition) or Lucid charts to model the following diagrams of your selected project. Hand-drawn diagrams or diagrams developed using office suits are not accepted. Based on your project requirements, you may include the entire model in one diagram or subdivide the model into several subsystem diagrams.

Class diagramsActivity diagramsClass diagramSequence diagrams

B.  User interface

Design an overall user interface consisting of screens, commands, controls, and features to enable users to use the system. Choose at least 4 main fictionalities of your project to develop user interfaces. Your design should demonstrate how data will be input to the system? That includes the physical layout for input, the input design and procedures, and how data will be output from the system. Use suitable wireframing software such as Lucid Charts online wireframe tool, Balsamiq Wireframes, or to design your interfaces.

A. Data design

Develop a physical plan for data organization, storage, updating, and retrieval.

Entity-relationship diagrams

Use a suitable UML diagramming software such as IO.Draw, Visual Paradigm (community edition) or Lucid charts to model this diagram.

Database designDatabase tables with their attributes should be presented (however theirimplementations are not required)Primary key(s) should be identified in each table, if anyThree steps of normalization should be included.

Marking Criteria and Rubrics

Marking CriteriaMarksUse case diagrams4Activity Diagrams4Class diagrams4Sequence diagrams4User Interfaces8ER Diagram2Database design2Documentation practices and presentation2Total30