Write a detailed ‘Executive Summary’ section and a ‘Company Overview’ section fo

Write a detailed ‘Executive Summary’ section and a ‘Company Overview’ section for the following two companies listed. The two companies are Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. and RESTAURANT BRANDS INTERNATIONAL INC.
The paper must be 3-4 pages long and must be written like a formal and professional research report. This is a Master’s level research paper and should be written in such a manner. 
This paper must discuss the following: industry background, companies’ business models, strategies, key success factors and risks, and other qualitative issues that may provide readers with the background and context for subsequent analyses. 
• Please ONLY include information about the companies and analyze them from their 10-K’s. You can find the 10-K’s here: 
Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.
2023 10-K – https://www.sec.gov/ixviewer/ix.html?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1058090/000156276224000023/cmg-20231231x10k.htm#Item_8
2022 10-K – https://www.sec.gov/ixviewer/ix.html?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001058090/000105809023000010/cmg-20221231x10k.htm#Consolidated_BS
2023 10-K – https://www.sec.gov/ixviewer/ix.html?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001618756/000161875624000020/qsr-20231231.htm#i0f01ab9270b94e3da03448f9c379b03d_61
2022 10-K – https://www.sec.gov/ixviewer/ix.html?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001618756/000161875623000013/qsr-20221231.htm
The sections of the 10-K that may be relevant are: Business (Item 1), Selected Financial
Data (Item 6), Management’s Discussion and Analysis (Item 7), and Financial Statements
and Supplementary Data (Item 8). 
Please also include an interesting press release and
explain why it may be important for assessing the value and performance of the
companies.  Select at least 2 recent articles about stock performances (1 article for each company) and make a logical decision on which company you think will perform better in the years to come based on your findings and analysis of the 10-K’s. 
You must USE information from the 10-K’s to write the executive summary and company overview sections. The only outside source should be the press releases/articles. Please be sure to use proper citations where needed in APA7 format. 
I went ahead and prepared some financial ratios for the two companies as well. Sharing the link to the Excel file here:  https://liveumb-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/eugene_dorney001_umb_edu/Ef2IcKnrUR1Lgqrl57zl39MB5LT3usQHpiR1hMvuCtM8bA?e=4I3q7y
You may use the data/information from this link to include in the executive summary to support your arguments/analyses.
Please read through all the instructions I provided and be sure to fulfill all of the requirements for this paper. 
Lastly, the paper should be written in Times New Roman, Size 12 Font, with Bold Headings. Do not indent the paragraphs. Only use headings to separate the sections.