These worksheets along with the Historical World worksheets provide the foundation for your signature assignment.
5.6 Literary World
The principle of the Literary World is that while stories may describe historical events, they also are able to create their own worlds of meaning. Studying the Literary World seeks to understand the narrative as much on its own terms as possible. It provides a basis on which the reader (you) can begin to listen to the author’s version of the way the world works. This needs to be supplemented with a critical dialogue about how the reader (you) accepts or challenges how the text is trying to shape you.
5.7 Contemporary Word
The principle of the contemporary world is that texts are part of communication processes that are trying to do something. First, one may focus on the internal structure, argument cohesion, and themes of the text. Second, one may focus on the relationship between the addresser (the Narrator) and the addressee (Kingdom citizens). It is appropriate to analyze what presuppositions are shared (both stated and implied) by the addresser and addressee, i.e. what do they both believe about the world and their relationship?
Download the Literary and Contemporary World Worksheets and complete them for either 1 Kings 21 OR Philemon, (choose the one the signature assignment will be written on.) If you choose 1 Kings 21, do not use Jones as a source.
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