Objective: Apply concepts learned throughout the course to a real international

Objective: Apply concepts learned throughout the course to a real international organization.
Mindset: Understand in depth a principle of International Business.
You will be completing a comprehensive business plan for an international expansion of a company and industry of your choosing.  The goal of this assignment is to give you a chance to make key choices about countries, partners, and other aspects of the international business expansion efforts we study. Specific objectives are to:
Give an in-depth analysis of the international operations of a company;
Highlight analytical tools and best practices in international business;
Demonstrate knowledge and familiarity with relevant resources on countries, cultures, and international business practices; and
Provide essential international business tasks and challenges. 
For this project, choose a company in any industry or product category. Use the following headings as a guide to build your business plan.  
Firm Readiness for Global Business and Strategic Direction
Country/Region Selection 
Industry Market Potential Assessment
Foreign Business Partner Selection (in the selected countries) 
Negotiating and Structuring the Business Venture 
Marketing Plan Development 
Financial Management 
Managing Operations 
Building the Global Organization and the Partners 
Ensuring Global Integration and Coordination 
You will submit your business plan at the end of Week Six. The written report will be in the form of a thorough executive summary (6-8 pages maximum). Your plan will be assessed as to how you were able to:
Apply class materials to your plan
Comprehend issues
Justify your conclusions and recommendations
Integrate web-based resources, textbooks, and scholarly articles.
Demonstrate grammar, clarity, succinctness, and logical organization of the business plan 
Apply APA formatting style. (6 sources)