Final Reflection Prompt: Based on your understanding of the discussions, reading

Final Reflection Prompt:
Based on your understanding of the discussions, readings and videos, films, and documentaries since the start of the semester, and a particular emphasis on the final two modules, address the following questions in your response:

Consider & Discuss:
1. Consider and discuss, to some extent, specific ways that you will apply what you have learned in your own personal life and, why?

2. Consider and discuss, to some extent, ways in which you can apply your knowledge within your own family, social circles and/or community.

3. Consider and discuss, to some extent, ways in which you can apply what you have learned in this class to your educational and/or careers.

4. Consider and discuss, to some extent, the ways in which your consumption of popular culture may change or be influenced by the knowledge gained in this course.

Short Essay Paper Requirements:
This essay should be a minimum of 3 pages.
Please make sure to have clearly responded to the entire prompt.
Please format your essay with: 12-point font, double-spaced and with 1-inch margins.
Please use the MLA citation format and include a Works Cited Page.
Use MLA Header – Only on the first page
Professor Name
Course Name & Number
Due Date
Title of Essay
**** Avoid using “Short Essay 3”; “Paper 3”; “Ethnic Studies Essay” or similar generic titles
Create and Use your own original title

This is a critical reflection paper

I am more concerned with what you have to say about what you have learned and how you will apply it moving forward.
You are not required to cite any course-assigned or independently researched materials, but you are held accountable to write based on the scholarship, evidence, and facts that has been shared in this class. Opinions must be supported by the reality that has been shared in the readings, videos, discussions and lectures of this class.
Please do not simply type in a conversational manner or as if you were simply texting and/or posting in social media. Type/write as is commonly expected in an academic paper.
Please make sure to PROOFREAD, EDIT and SPELL CHECK.
My strategy is to read the essay out loud to myself or to someone else. This really helps to spot errors in my writing.
Cite any sources that you are directly quoting or are borrowing a bulk of ideas, statistics, definitions, etc. from. You are asked to write about your understanding, perspective and arguments related to the topic. Your use of course materials should be used as supporting evidence and reveal synthesis and connections between them. Please make sure to cite the work of others. Proper citation avoids any confusion about suspected plagiarism. If you cite others, be sure to include a Works Cited page.

Basic Rubric for Success:
Essay presents clearly articulated and organized responses to all parts of the prompt above.
Essay has proper citations, and appropriate integration and synthesis of course materials. (if/when relevant and necessary)
Essay follows MLA format.
Essay meets and/or exceeds the minimum page requirement (3 pages).
Essay meets the assignment submission requirements and deadline.
Essay cites, references or draws connections to at least 4 course readings and 4 course videos
Write in first-person; make “I” statements; this is to express and highlight your own understanding, analysis, and arguments based on what you have learned in this class. You are just asked/required to use course reading and audio/visual materials to help you do so and provide supporting evidence.