1. Title Page (APA format)
2. Introductory paragraph with a clearly written thesis statement
An overview of the key points. Outline exactly what will be discussed. The last sentence could say “In this paper the author will be discussing A, B, C”
3. Body: 4 Sections
• Background section introducing the history and current views on the concept/matter
-Make sure you discuss the history and background of the topic, go through the generations and how it evolved from the rudimentary beginnings early in history.
-How it developed into the standard care, best practices and protocols it is today. Discuss the standards of care and protocols.
-Talk about the contemporary views of the topic/ solid overview
• A section on the fallacies, myths, emotions, or biases, evident when this concept/matter is discussed
-Thorough discussion on the myths, fallacies, biases, and misconceptions of the topic. Give a variety.
• Provide a real-life case-study (or one used with vSim) wherein the concept/matter and its surrounding premises impacted patient care or outcomes
– Get personal with the topic. Tell a story. Give the details of the real person and their journey. Include: he background/history, S&S, what are they predisposed to or at risk for, for what is their diagnosis, tell me about the treatment plan.
-what are the nursing interventions, outcomes, and if you had to change course to adjust your interventions.
-talk about what happened to the patient, did they live or pass? What is their long-term prognosis and outcome? What are their health goals? Give details.
• A section on evidence-based approaches to the concept/matter
-Discuss current evidence-based approaches for treatment
-She doesn’t need to see a lot of statistics and studies. Talk about the treatment, tools, interventions which have been developed overtime by positive research, and outcomes. (for example, wound healing, what treatments work best, which ones don’t, which ones are for early stage pressure injuries and which ones are for later stage..etc)
4. Conclusion
• Summarize the key findings and take-away
• Connect closing back to introductory paragraph
5. Reference page (APA format, minimum 4 references)
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