please respomd to the discussion post  Inpatient care plans differ from discharg

please respomd to the discussion post 
Inpatient care plans differ from discharge plans many different ways starting from to for whom the instructions are for.  For example the inpatient care plan will be addressed to the care team and be very detailed to include information such as patient history, diagnosis and plans to make them better.  The discharge  plan is for the patient mainly and includes instructions for self care and necessary collaborations such as follow-up appointments.  The section of the inpatient care plan important to a HSP may be diagnosis, as a start for understanding what services they will potentially need.  For example, Jean having had a stroke, thereby needing physical therapy.  The HSP would make the calls and appointments for her to transition from the hospital to a physical therapy center.  Evidence based practices are necessary in the discharge plan. As for the discharge plan, the personal instructions area may be of interest to the HSP because they will help clear any barriers to the patient’s continued care, such as transportation and nutritional needs that can be provided by a network agency.