The Empress as a Parent

The Empress card embodies the essence of nurturing, abundance, creativity, and unconditional love. As a parent, channeling the energy of The Empress can create a harmonious and nurturing environment for your children, allowing you to channel all the “best” qualities of a parent. Here are some ways to embrace the nature of The Empress, not only as an adult, but as a parent:

Be Nurturing and Compassionate. While this seems like an obvious trait of a mother-esque figure, sometimes as a parent (or human in general), finding compassion and patience can be a challenge. You’re tired, sick, or have had to repeat the same instruction 5 times in the last hour, and every day for the past 2 weeks. Notably, The Empress is not specifically about discipline, but about going outside of yourself to find the compassion to support someone else, frustration aside. Not only does this nurture and strengthen the bond between you and the other person (not to mention begin to build a relationship of trust), but it teaches your child, through example, how to also be patient and compassionate in challenging situations they may encounter in life.

Just last night, I lost my shit because I was tired and it was 10:30. I’d been on my feet all day and my back was sore. My 11-year-old, who has an indescribable fear of mosquitos and is currently stuck in bed with a leg cast, called out because there was a mosquito in his room. Let’s just say I wasn’t compassionate or nurturing in that moment. However, if I can channel The Empress as he deals with his (incredibly frustrating) fear of mosquitos, he may begin to realize that he can overcome this debilitating phobia and move forward.Encourage Creativity and Self-Expression. The Empress promotes creative experimentation in all things. As an adult and parents, we are often so consumed by our outside responsibilities that pet projects, hobbies, and creative forms of expression fall by the wayside. I, myself, have played the piano for almost 40 years of my life, but lack of time and inspiration has gotten the best of me, and I haven’t played in over a year. If we don’t find the time to use the creative talents we have, they will become muted and dulled with time.

Additionally, embracing forms of personal self-expression allows our children to understand it’s ok for them to express who they are, even if it’s a fad or phase. Dyed hair, language, nail polish, make-up, and clothing choices and great ways to experiment with self-expression that are temporary but, when used with confidence, can set an example, even if the behaviors are not immediately emulated. Likewise, being critical of others’ choices of self-expression should be avoided and discouraged.Foster Growth and Development. The Empress is cyclical by nature and is very literally a card of slow growth and movement; The Empress is never at a standstill or stagnant. We cannot reach an end, much less a beginning, if we don’t progress. However, growth and development are not always forward-moving motions. Sometimes it means we have to stop, retreat a few paces, and work from a different angle or approach. There is creativity in critical thinking, after all, and embracing error is a part of growth. Be open to your mistakes and see them as tools for personal development. Frustration is natural, but should not be an unnatural end to your problem.

Recognizing that there are often multiple paths forward – even if all aren’t the optimal or most efficient path – is helpful when teaching children, as they often see things in a binary fashion (it’s either right or wrong, this or that). Mapping out possible paths forward helps introduce adaptability and persistence.Promote Abundance and Prosperity. While The Empress has a hand in creation efforts, let’s not forget that they are also Earth-energy as well as the ruler of the suit of Pentacles, that which resides in the earthly realm. The Empress invites us to flourish, not just emotionally, but physically through simple acts.Encourage a positive mindset. Encourage a positive mindset. Cultivating daily gratitude and focusing on positive events can change how we view each other and the world, even if it doesn’t bring material wealth.Foster generosity. Abundance isn’t just about receiving; it’s also about giving. Showing up with a willingness to share what you have encourages others to do the same. Support financial literacy. It still blows my mind that financial literacy isn’t taught in schools. Practicing basic financial principles like saving, budgeting, and understanding the value of money not only helps promote fiscal growth but lays the foundation for healthy financial behaviors in your children.

Questions to Ask Yourself that Reflect The Empress

Here are a few questions for self-reflection when you draw The Empress in your daily or situational practice:

What do I use as a creative outlet? How do I express self-creativity every day?What are some recent examples where I have shown and been shown compassion?How do I balance providing emotional support with setting boundaries?How often do I create moments of abundance and joy in my daily life? What small changes can I make to enhance my overall well-being and happiness?How do I respond to the mistakes and challenges of others? Am I encouraging them to see these moments as opportunities for growth and learning?In what ways can I foster a sense of gratitude and appreciation within my family? How can I better recognize the abundance around me?

Next, we take a look at The Empress’ traits and how they can be embodied by a child.