NRS 451V Week 1 Discussion Question 2 How the concepts of leadership and management differ from each other

NRS 451V Week 1 Discussion Question 2 How the concepts of leadership and management differ from each other

NRS 451V Week 1 Discussion Question 2 How the concepts of leadership and management differ from each other

The contingency leadership theory founded by Fred Fielder in the 1960s claims that a good leader adapts to situations (Whitney, 2018). Whitney (2018) says, “This theory supports the idea that success is not due to characteristics of the leaders’ personality, but rather, external factors that influence the leader in certain situations.” One of the benefits of the contingency leadership theory is that it allows leaders and followers to work easier together. Because the leader in this theory does not have any specific characteristics, it allows the individual to be more accommodating. A weakness for the contingency leadership theory is that people in a leadership position are not suitable for every situation, like the theory would suggest. The situational leadership theory was also founded in the 1960s by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard (Whitney, 2018). Like the contingency leadership theory, the situational leadership theory is dependent on the situation. Whitney (2018) defines the situational leadership theory as “…adapting leadership styles based on the situation and predicts the most appropriate leadership style based on the situation and the follower’s maturity level.” According to Gaille (2018), some strengths of the situational leadership theory are the adaptability and flexibility allows for a more comfortable work environment, however, in task-oriented environments—one will be at a disadvantage with this theory”… because they’re being asked to follow a particular set of rules, policies, or regulations that are inflexible”.

Gaille, B. (2018). Situational Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages. Small Business and Marketing Advice.

Whitney, S. (2018). Theories and Concept in Leadership and Management. Grand Canyon University (Ed.). Nursing Leadership and Management: Leading and Serving.

The Great Man Theory- born to become leaders. Leaders are born with the right traits and abilities for leading. Charisma, intellect, confidence, communication skills, and social skills. At the time it was adopted it was particularly Male and military leaders. Leaders are born not made (Zalani, R. (2019).

Nursing is a female dominated field. Nurses are made and trained. The more experience the better a nurse is. Experience is a virtue in Nursing. Nurses are very intellectual and must have confidence in times of stress. They also must have good communication skills, charisma, and social skills to help win their patients over in trusting them with their care.

Trait Theory- leaders differ from followers. Used to predict effective leadership, compared to as potential leaders to determine their likelihood to lead effectively. Focus on features, age, education, familiar background, intelligence, decisiveness, judgement, and knowledge. Born with certain traits that can make them a leader (Whitney, 2018).

Nurses must have a good sense of judgement and knowledge to do their jobs effectively. Their age though can be young, middle aged, or old. No matter what age a nurse is they are valued. Where the nurse was raised and who their families are does not matter.

Whitney, S. (2018). Nursing Leadership & Management: Leading and Serving. Theories and Concepts in Leadership and Management. Retrieved from

Zalani, R. (2019). 8 major leadership theories: Strengths, weaknesses and examples. Retrieved from